Human factor  

Necessity to consider human factors, incidents influenced by hu- man factors/human error, Murphy's Law. Formation of executive processes and activities. The role of training and habits. Human ca- pabilities and limitations. Vision, lighting, hearing, association and inference, concentration and perception, memory, claustrophobia and physical limitations, health hygiene, nutrition. Social psychol- ogy (sociology). Responsibility: individual and group, motivation and inhibition of motivation, group pressure on the individual, cul- tural background/influences, working in groups, management, su- pervision and leadership. Factors affecting the performance capa- bilities. Physical fitness/health, stress: domestic and work related, time pressure and deadlines, workload: excess and lack, sleep and fatigue, shift work, alcohol, medication, drugs. Surrounding environ- ment. Noise and fumes, lighting, climate and temperature, move- ment and vibration, working conditions. Tasks/activities. Physical work, repetitive activities, visual inspection, complex systems. Communication. Communication within and between teams, work distribution and recording, updating, information circulation, sharing information (access levels). Human error. Models and theories of error, types of error in maintenance activities, consequences of er- rors (e.g. accidents), avoiding and controlling errors. Hazards in the workplace. Recognising and avoiding hazards, dealing with emer- gency situations.
Human factor

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